Fabrizio Leonelli is a common friend
Dear Fabrizio,
the volume on Mondrian seems to have an excellent didactic structure, both in terms of illustrations as well as content also because a purely visual analysis merges with historical content which are not common in the current methodologies.
The photographic asset is excellent.
These qualities should awaken the interest of an editor also because of the didactic use (high schools, universities, academies) that such a book could certainly have.
I do not presently have any contact with editors (my book on Mondrian was published by Sansoni - De Agostini and has been translated into German by Kunstkreis in Köln and in English by Hamlyn which has distributed it throughout the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada; we are however talking about 1969-70!!).
More than scientific goals today’s editors pursue marketing and pre-sales strategies.
Italian editors who could be interested in such a book are Motta (....) or Gangemi (...) or maybe Mazzotta....
Because I have never had any contact with them, I cannot help you further.
I can only wish your friend all the success he deserves.
Thank you.....